Digital Workflow: Guided Surgery & Immediate Temporary Load

Dr. FERDINANDO ATTANASIO Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 58 Sex: Male Smoker: Yes Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None Digital workflow: guided surgery & immediate temporary load. With our guided surgery service and the internal milling center we were able to perform immediate load with the insertion of the temporary prosthesis directly in […]
EV Implant Placement For Edentoulous Posterior Saddle

Dr. MOHAMMAD ABUALHAJ Country: Jordan Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 42 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Bad Alergies: None During the preparation fo the treatment plan we noticed a high quantity of bone, being in the mandible the density was not enough to place a 3P implant therefore we opted for the insertion […]
Implant Placement In Aesthetic Area With GBR

Dr. RAMZI KAZZAZI Country: Iraq Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 19 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None The patient came to our attention with the specific request to restore the aesthetic of her smile ruined by the missing of element 12. Therefore to perform the replacement of the anterior tooth we […]
Stabilization Bar On Mua With Guide Arch

Dr. FABIO MANUEL FILANNINO Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 65 Sex: Male Smoker: Yes Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Very bad Alergies: None The use of an arch to help praparing the ostheotomy in terms of inclination and positioning can be a great option to easily define the correct positionin for an all on four […]
Bone Regeneration Material And Prf In Partially Exposed Implant Insertion

Prof. Dr. NAIDA SULEJMANAGIC HADZIABIC Dr. NEDIM SULEJMANAGIC Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 45 Sex: Male Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None This case is presenting immediate implant placement in lower jaw in premolar region with lack of bone height and width. Patient had complicated extraction of root 44 […]
Mini Implants Guided Surgery

Dr. IOANA DATCU Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 90 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None The use of Cone Beam CT scanning combined with improved software technology has led to an increase in digital planning and guided surgery in conventional implant dentistry. This case demonstrates that these tools can […]
Safety Implant Membrane In Transcrestal Sinus Lift With Implant Insertion

Dr. CLAUDIO BANZI Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 58 Sex: Male Smoker: Yes Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Bad Alergies: None When the sinus Shneiderian membrane is very close to the implant site and does not allow the insertion of aregular sized implant the tretment can include the lift of the membrane. One of the […]
Restoration Of Vertical Bone Volume For Implant Insertion

Dr. IOANA DATCU Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 38 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None This patient came to us with a vertical bone defect. The patient has a reabsorbed saddle that is not suitable for implant insertion, so it was decided to perform a first surgery with the […]
Therapeutic Treatment For Patient Maxillary Sinus Atrophy: Pterygoid Implants

Dr. GUIDO RAVECCA Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 56 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: Bruxist – Diabetes type 2 Hygenic state: Bad Alergies: None From the first radiographic examination (OPT and CT scan) there is an evident periapical granuloma and pain with pressure on 14 and 15, while 17 element is parodontopathic, moreover there […]
Single Tooth Restoration With Cerec System

Dr. LINO VINICIUS Country: Portugal Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 55 Sex: Male Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None This sinlge tooth restoration has been made with the aid of the intraoral scan system from Cerec. After the implant insertion the proper cerec abutment has been inserted onto the implant itself on which […]