Safety Implant Membrane In Transcrestal Sinus Lift With Implant Insertion

Country: Italy

Patient's Data:
- Age: 58
- Sex: Male
- Smoker: Yes
- Pathologies: None
- Hygenic state: Bad
- Alergies: None
When the sinus Shneiderian membrane is very close to the implant site and does not allow the insertion of aregular sized implant the tretment can include the lift of the membrane. One of the complications we may find in this kind of practice is the migration of the implant inside the sinus. This occurs when during the surgical stages the membrane is torn and the implant is not enough stable in the bone and if it does not osteointegrate. To extract an implant from the sinus there is the need of a otorhinolaryngologist even if in some cases it can be done in the studio. To avoid such event we can apply a safety implant membrane. This thin titanium membrane can be fixed onto the implant right after the insertion and avoids the implant dislocation as it is adapted to the bone crest surrounding the implant site. To perform the surgery the line of compactors by B&B Dental has been used. These compactors carefully used thanks to their rounded head allow the gentle detachment and lift of the membrane to give room to bone regeneration materials. Their measurements correspond to implant diameter making it possible to insert an implant right after the sinus lifting procedure.