Split Crest With 3P Implants

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Patient's Data:
- Age: 45
- Sex: Male
- Smoker: No
- Pathologies: None
- Hygenic state: Fair
- Alergies: None
This is the case presenting crest split with immediate insertion of two 3P implants by BB dental along with bone augmentation with artificial bone Novocor plus, platelet rich fibrin, and resorbable membrane by BB Dental. The crest of lower jaw was less then 2mm wide and it was neccessary to split the bone using piezo surgery, mallet and chisel. In this way we were able to gain enough of bone width to place two implants both 3.5/10.
After the insertion of implants with good primary stability, we used PRF in combination with artificial bone Novocor plus to create “sticky bone” which is essential for new bone growth. This augmented implant site was covered with PRF membranes and then with BB dental collagene membrane. Prior to augmentation bone was drilled with roung burr in other to get blood vascularization. The flap was sutured with monofilament suture which is essential in proper wound healing.