Aesthetic-functional Restoration In Frontal Post Extractive Site

Dr. ALESSANDRO CECCHERINI Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 45 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None The treatment plan created for this patient consists in the insertion of an EV implant in the anterior area. Given the extremely aesthetic position of the site, for an optimal aesthetic result the volumes […]
Soft And Hard Tissues Management In A Late Implant In The Aesthetic Area

Dr. IOANA DATCU Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 50 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Good Alergies: None The radiographic examination (intraoral X-ray and Cone Beam Tc scan) shows vertical and horizontal bone defects due to alveolar remodeling following tooth extraction made many years earlier. It was decided to plan an implant […]