Soft And Hard Tissues Management In A Late Implant In The Aesthetic Area

Country: Italy

Patient's Data:
- Age: 50
- Sex: Female
- Smoker: No
- Pathologies: None
- Hygenic state: Good
- Alergies: None
The radiographic examination (intraoral X-ray and Cone Beam Tc scan) shows vertical and horizontal bone defects due to alveolar remodeling following tooth extraction made many years earlier. It was decided to plan an implant insertion surgery and proceed with the insertion of a EV implant with a delayed loading with simultaneous regeneration of hard and soft tissues to obtain the correct volumes for aesthetic success.
After 6 months, without any complication, we perfromed the uncovering of the implant. Through the use of a free connective graft taken from the palatine side we overcorrected the vestibular area to further improve the profiles of the gingival tissues and ensure greater aesthetic stability over time. In the same session, a provisional prosthesis with peek temporary abutment and acrylic resin was fixed on to manage an adequate emergence profile in order to condition the transmucosal profile and guide the soft tissue healing.
After 3 months, the final impression is taken for the final rehabilitation of the element on the implant and the realization of a ceramic zirconium crown on the adjacent natural element 11. A slight compression of the tissues is planned for a further remodeling of the soft tissue profile.
You can notice the aesthetic result obtained after 6 months of follow-up and the excellent integration of the crown with soft tissues surrounding the implant still in the process of maturation and remodeling.