All-on-6 With Guided Surgery

Dr. ALESSANDRO CECCHERINI Country: Italy Gallery
4 Implants Guided Surgery With Extractions And Immediate Loading

Dr. ALESSANDRO CECCHERINI Country: Italy Gallery
Difficult Maxilla Implant Insertion With Mua Supported Prosthesis

Dr. SHU LING Country: China Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 59 Sex: Male Smoker: Yes Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Bad Alergies: None The patient has severe periodontitis in the upper jaw, which has no clinical preservation value. Refer to the patient’s CBCT data to design treatment plans which will include the insertion of six B&B implants. Immediate implant loading […]
Implant Insertion With Enhanced Offset In Guided Surgery

Dr. FRANCISCO LAITA BALDA Country: Spain Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 42 Sex: Male Smoker: Yes Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Poor Alergies: None The patient comes to the dentist’s attention reporting pain and bleeding.On physical examination, there is a marked widespread inflammation in the oral cavity associated with a third degree mobility of the dental elements […]
Slim Implant Insertion With Guided Surgery In Aesthetic Area

Dr. MARCO ROY Country: Poland Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 38 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Good Alergies: None This patient has lost the lateral incisor and came to our attention requiring a fixed solution to restore aesthetic and functionality due to the young age.In order to preserve the tissues and to minimize […]
Digital Workflow: Guided Surgery & Immediate Temporary Load

Dr. FERDINANDO ATTANASIO Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 58 Sex: Male Smoker: Yes Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None Digital workflow: guided surgery & immediate temporary load. With our guided surgery service and the internal milling center we were able to perform immediate load with the insertion of the temporary prosthesis directly in […]
Mini Implants Guided Surgery

Dr. IOANA DATCU Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 90 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None The use of Cone Beam CT scanning combined with improved software technology has led to an increase in digital planning and guided surgery in conventional implant dentistry. This case demonstrates that these tools can […]
All On Four On Mua With Guided Surgery

Dr. ANGELO BANZI Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 60 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None All on four can be a good solution to stabilize a full upper arch. Performing guided surgery to plan an all on four treatment plan makes it easier from a surgical point of view […]
Guided Surgery Immediate Load With Use Of Previous Prosthesis

Dr. FRANCESCO LERARIO Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 44 Sex: Male Smoker: Yes Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Bad Alergies: None Immediate load rehabilitation on 5 implants with resin prosthesis. The patient came to our attention presentng an edentulous upper arch. He had an inappropriate total removable prosthesis that made him demotivated. Several implantologists had proposed […]
Guided Surgery With Immediate Load

Dr. ANDREA PACIFICI Country: Italy Gallery Patient’s Data: Age: 87 Sex: Female Smoker: No Pathologies: None Hygenic state: Fair Alergies: None The patient came to our clinic with the specific request to improve her quality of life giving her a stable and fix prosthesis. We then took the impression to be sent in the laboratory […]